kougeisha #20 おはようございます!そろそろXmasですね〜 https://www.youtube.com/embed/fGQRtS35AiMかんなとあきらの朝の様子でございます(^^) 今日も一日楽しんでいきましょう〜♪ ☆In 2018.12.03 kougeisha
kougeisha Japanese paper formative art exhibition by Kozue Kato at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery https://www.youtube.com/embed/funoTDYONbwA Japanese paper formative artist in Fukui C 2018.12.02 kougeisha
kougeisha Special Saori (free handweaving) Exhibition of Keisuke Katayama at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery https://www.youtube.com/embed/MmVXGyTD2k8[English subtitled] Keisuke Katayama, who is 2018.12.02 kougeisha
kougeisha “kougeisha” 見ようかな!「220円×150回」ニンテンドースイッチ購入資金 https://www.youtube.com/embed/A5Y3TZvwv4Mkougeisha” 見ようかな!「220円×150回」ニンテンドースイッチ購入資金 ニ 2018.12.02 kougeisha
kougeisha Plant Dyed Goods Exhibition of Masao Ishikawa at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery https://www.youtube.com/embed/qhPKdilJFdY[English subtitled] The annual exhibition at 2018.12.02 kougeisha
kougeisha Exhibition of Ezra Glass Studio at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery, June 22nd-July 8th, 2018 https://www.youtube.com/embed/nqXWZiyzkdM[English subtitled] Exhibition of Ezra Glass 2018.12.02 kougeisha
kougeisha Autumnal Plant Dyed Goods Exhibition of Masao Ishikawa at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery https://www.youtube.com/embed/CIne7nSI-tU[English subtitled] Here is the video about 2018.12.02 kougeisha
kougeisha Autumnal Plant Dyed Goods Exhibition of Masao Ishikawa at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery https://www.youtube.com/embed/CIne7nSI-tU[English subtitled] Here is the video about 2018.12.02 kougeisha
kougeisha (前半)ちゃおフェスで踊ってきたよ♪ 2018 in パシフィコ横浜 https://www.youtube.com/embed/b5wvZOfYDWI今年も「ちゃおフェス」にご招待頂いたの2日間めっちゃ楽しんできました♪ 去年より出番が多 2018.12.02 kougeisha
kougeisha #26 おはようございます!かんあきの今年を表す漢字一文字は? https://www.youtube.com/embed/MTTjakSktBgかんなとあきらの朝の様子でございます(^^) 今日も一日楽しんでいきましょう〜♪ ☆In 2018.12.01 kougeisha