kougeisha Mable and Colors Exhibition of Emiko Nakanishi | Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery, https://www.youtube.com/embed/b2toNQjM2w8Marble and Colors Exhibition” of Emiko Nakan 2020.10.20 kougeisha
kougeisha 33 みんな遊んでくれよ~!視聴者さん参加型カスタムマッチ フォートナイト パポ配信 https://www.youtube.com/embed/xl4b9K2Zn3Y【Gloria】https://twitter.com/Gloria_FN ストリーマー 2020.10.19 kougeisha
kougeisha Daily life tool exhibition|Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery, April 19th-May 12th , 2019 https://www.youtube.com/embed/dE644V637HsThe "Daily life tool exhibition" is being 2020.10.18 kougeisha
kougeisha 4 MINECRAFT DUNGEONS マインクラフトダンジョンズ パポ配信 https://www.youtube.com/embed/5YOhV9WXQiQInstagramとTwitter☆ https://www.instagram.com 2020.10.18 kougeisha
kougeisha Mable and Colors Exhibition of Emiko Nakanishi | Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery, https://www.youtube.com/embed/b2toNQjM2w8Marble and Colors Exhibition” of Emiko Nakan 2020.10.17 kougeisha
kougeisha ダイヤ欲しい。 10かんあきマイクライブ(生配信) https://www.youtube.com/embed/7t_PQVYjtiEInstagramとTwitter☆ https://www.instagram.com 2020.10.17 kougeisha
kougeisha Indigo blue and light blue Exhibition | Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery, June 28th-July 15th, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/embed/RTcQO3ofRJIFukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery held the exhib 2020.10.16 kougeisha
kougeisha Indigo blue and light blue Exhibition | Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery, June 28th-July 15th, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/embed/RTcQO3ofRJIFukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery held the exhib 2020.10.16 kougeisha
kougeisha フォートナイトシーズン3が来るまで配信 Fortnite https://www.youtube.com/embed/ikoL1CLnG48配信参加型で一緒にプレイする時の注意事項 ○ゴースティングは禁止です。 ○未成年の方は、 2020.10.16 kougeisha
kougeisha Illustration Exhibition "Puddle" by Yuko Hirata at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery https://www.youtube.com/embed/iLVonhZgTME[English subtitled] Illustration Exhibition 2020.10.15 kougeisha