kougeisha Aoki-fumu Exhibition by Toseisha | Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery, October 25th-November 10th, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/embed/kNhxZKGOx7w[English subtitled] The first personal exhib 2020.02.20 kougeisha
kougeisha かんな「ストーカーと言って!」他人のデートを尾行!? https://www.youtube.com/embed/TKxqzJskKaMこの動画はライブ配信を編集したものです(^^)ライブの様子はこちら♪ https://y 2020.02.19 kougeisha
kougeisha Pleasant pottery for everyday life | Exhibition of Nanashi kiln at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery https://www.youtube.com/embed/CzJr3G42QVA[English subtitled] The exhibition of Hirosh 2020.02.19 kougeisha
kougeisha Aoki-fumu Exhibition by Toseisha | Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery, October 25th-November 10th, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/embed/kNhxZKGOx7w[English subtitled] The first personal exhib 2020.02.19 kougeisha
kougeisha 4 おはよう!生放送@かんあきあさ銀さん https://www.youtube.com/embed/TzRAm57SktcInstagramとTwitter☆ https://www.instagram.com 2020.02.19 kougeisha
kougeisha Exhibition of the wild boar in the Oriental zodiac at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery https://www.youtube.com/embed/54AhFNLVYL4[English subtitled] The exhibition of the wi 2020.02.19 kougeisha
kougeisha Daily life tool exhibition | Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery June 1st – June 17th, 2018 https://www.youtube.com/embed/PX8onpXQxvE[English subtitled] The "Daily life tool ex 2020.02.18 kougeisha
kougeisha アドベンチャーモードやります。大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズSPECIAL 2 あきぽん生配信 https://www.youtube.com/embed/uoKcfWsDF78InstagramとTwitter☆ https://www.instagram.com 2020.02.18 kougeisha
kougeisha Doll Festival Exhibition | Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery, January 17th-February 9th, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/embed/fNssQm62_oIThe Doll Festival Exhibition by ten craft ar 2020.02.18 kougeisha
kougeisha Mable and Colors Exhibition of Emiko Nakanishi | Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery, https://www.youtube.com/embed/b2toNQjM2w8Marble and Colors Exhibition” of Emiko Nakan 2020.02.17 kougeisha